Wednesday, April 23

In Your Dreams

This morning I went to the Visual Resource Center here on campus, and Deanne Brown, the VRC's curator, was there. Deanne is a kind, sharp, charming, beautiful woman, and though I don't know her well, I thoroughly enjoy talking to her when we both happen to have more than a moment to spare. That being said, I haven't been in the VRC in a good long while, and I'm not sure when I last ran into Deanne. But today I stopped by to use the computer, and there was Deanne, and we exchanged pleasantries, and then she informed me that she dreamt about my dress.

She told me that in her dream last night, she was wearing my dress to her own wedding. And who was she getting married to? Her sister! They were both really excited about it, although they wondered if people would think it was weird and incestuous. Deanne said she wasn't sure what it all meant.

Now I'm no expert at dream interpretations, but I immediately had a theory about this one, which I got Deanne's approval on. I think this dream was simply a heartfelt acknowledgment of her profound love for her sister. Nothing incestuous or "inappropriate" - she just really loves her sister. And I say lucky Deanne, and her sister as well, that their love for one another is potent enough to manifest itself in dreams.

Incidentally, I think that Deanne's dream and my project both raise some of the same questions:

  • Why is the love of a marriage considered so much more valuable and celebration-worthy than the love we feel for relatives? Or close friends? Or, Nature forbid, ourselves?

  • Why are we taught as little girls that the Happily Ever After is a direct result of marrying our knight in shining armor? Why don't Happily Ever Afters apply to all infinite bonds of love?

  • Why do so many of us think that personal fulfillment hinges on finding The Man of My Dreams?

I ask these questions in all sincerity, and I hope that you'll share any possible answers you might have.


As it happened, no more than 2 minutes after Deanne and I finished talking about her dream, the ever-impressive Cole Wilson walked into the VRC and informed me that I'd shown up in his dream last night. Apparently he had been trying to convince me that it would be a good idea to let him sew hot pink ruffles onto the back of my dress. It may or may not have been related to the fact that in reality he'd seen me wearing a hot pink sports bra under my dress after I left the gym yesterday. Needless to say, wherever it came from, I'm flattered.


Anonymous said...

You contradict yourself on this one. After such a strong statement about independence from men, you seem to seek male approval after all.

Nellie said...

being flattered by a comment from a male does not make you desperate for approval.

Anonymous said...

well ill answer a part of ur question. of why we don't marry our family members. well they are already in your family so the wedding is like putting two people from different families into one. so now you have a bigger family. i guess it would be nice to have a wedding to marry best friends. but I guess I just count best friends as part of a family already. like at what point would you marry your best friend?