Friday, April 25

So Classy!


Leslie Sakal took this incredibly flattering photo of me eating dinner out on The Quad. It was taken on April 8th, when I was a newlywed and the dress was still clean. I don't usually eat with my mouth open, I swear.


If you want to read an outline of the ceremony, officiated by the intelligent, honest, challenging, beautiful Dr. Christina Cogdell, click the link below:


Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Irina to herself in holy matrimony.

Marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which she has chosen.

Into this holy estate this woman now comes to be joined to herself. The union of a person to herself - in heart, mind, and body - is intended for her own joy, and for the help and comfort she can provide herself in prosperity and adversity.

If any person can show just cause why she may not enter into this union – let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

-Poem read by Kelsy (I'll post this soon)-

Before you are committed in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am bound to remind you of the solemn and firm nature of the relationship into which you are about to enter. Marriage, as most of us understand it, is a voluntary commitment that is entered into with the desire, hope and firm intention that it will last for life. This commitment to yourself is therefore the most profound step you will ever take. It requires integrity, introspection, honesty, willingness to change, and perseverance, and it will result in deep knowledge, security, confidence, joy, and peace. I therefore commend you for your vow to be true to yourself. May no one ever interfere or pull you away from your true self.

-I believe this is the point in the ceremony when Christina made a profound and deeply personal but also universal speech about her experiences of marriage. She talked about how she only found the love she was looking for once she had really found herself. I was moved by her words, but even more so by her bravery in sharing her story. I'll be sure to transcribe it when I get the chance to watch the videos.-

Please repeat after me:

I, Irina Zoe Zerkin, take myself,
to have and to hold from this day forward.
for better or worse,
for richer or for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish all the days of my life.
This is my solemn vow.

Now that Irina has promised to be absolutely true to herself by solemn vow, I pronounce that she IS herself, from this moment forward. Will you who have witnessed her promises do all in your power to uphold her in her marriage vows?

(We Will).

You may now kiss the bride.

I now present to you Ms. Irina Zoe Zerkin.



Anonymous said...

I walked past the antique store on Flatbush Ave. today and there in the window was a wedding gown. It was strapless, had a beaded bodice, and a very full tulle skirt. That store has never had any article of clothing in it, let alone a wedding gown. Another woman about my age was also standing in front of the store, awestruck, commenting on how beautiful the dress was. We were both captivated, and it took us a minute or two before we could take our eyes off the dress and go on with our lives. And here you are in Brooklyn, rippling all the way from Santa Fe.

Tonight I watched "Great Expectations" on PBS. there was Miss Havisham in her wedding gown - the one she wore every day for the rest of her life, after she was jilted by her fiancee. And there you were again, my brilliant daughter, changing the way I viewed this classic old movie.

What a powerful influence you are in so many lives, and I am so grateful to be included. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Forgive me! Ms. Havisham was jilted by her fiance, not her fiancee.

Nellie said...

christina cogdell is a total badass.

Leslie said...

I had almost forgotten how white it used to be.